Friday, April 26, 2013

43rd Annual Cowichan Valley Fine Art Show

I had the honour of spending Wednesday in the company of two wonderful artists - Alan Burgess and Tony Bounsall, as jurors selecting "The Best of the Best"  at the 43rd Annual Cowichan Valley Fine Art Show.  These select pieces will form a smaller, juried, travelling show that will hang in three area venues this summer.  I was very impressed with the quality of the non-juried show, which was already mounted when we arrived, and the enthusiasm, skill and dedication of the Cowichan Valley Arts Council (CVAC) and volunteers.  Wow!  What a great organization.

The show, at Island Savings Centre in Duncan, opened last night, and runs until 3:00pm on Sunday. With approximately one hundred original, never shown before pieces encompassing painting, collage,assemblage,textile, etching, photography, jewelry, sculpture, glass work, wood - the chair by Joseph Gelinas & Sandra Carr is outstanding! (as are so many other pieces I can't even mention them all)...and more - it's well worth a visit. More details on the CVAC website.

As an added bonus to my day, which was already a rich and rewarding experience, I was delighted to discover, hanging on the wall in the show, this delightful piece by the fabulous young artist Courtenay Quist.  Courtenay is currently studying printmaking at VIU.  "Depths" is a mezzotint etching, and I must say, it simply ticked all the boxes for me, and I was thrilled to purchase it later that evening.  It's well crafted, with great composition, beautiful use of light and shadow, texture and rhythm, excellent use of the medium, and a great sense of humour. I love it!  Thanks Courtenay.  I look forward bringing this little gem home with me on Sunday, and to seeing your work in the future. 

*Image posted here with permission of the artist.


48" x 48"

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

silverwave no.50

silverwave no.50
watercolour & silver ink
5" x 5"

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

FCA "Transitions" Show

48" x 48"

FCA First Prize, Tony Greenall Award

FCA "Transitions" Show
April 9 - 21, 2013
Federation Gallery, Granville Island
Vancouver B.C.

Award of Excellence
FCA Arrowsmith Spring Juried Show
The Old School House Arts Centre
February 18 - March 8, 2013