Friday, May 31, 2013

silverwave no.53

silverwave no.53
watercolour & silver ink
5" x 5"

Thursday, May 9, 2013

News from TOSH10 Studio/Gallery

I am now on a 12 month leave of absence from TOSH10 Studio/Gallery in Qualicum.  Taking some time off to work full time on my large abstracts in preparation for a couple of big shows in the Fall.   I'll be back in residence at TOSH10 at the end of April, 2014.  

My paintings are still available for purchase by contacting me directly.  Just give me a shout at

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Seven Years

"Seven Years"
48" x 48"

First Prize Award
FCA Canvas Unbound Show, Federation Gallery, Vancouver, May 7 - 19.