TIME: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
COST: FCA Members: $275/ Non-Members: $300
LEVEL: beginner to intermediate iPad user
Workshop now full!
Contact me to get on the waitlist for the next workshop (or maybe even this one if there is a cancellation)
Immerse yourself in a three day workshop and discover what a powerful, creative, and FUN tool the iPad can be.
Receive step by step instruction as you learn how to draw, paint and create using nothing but your iPad.
We'll start by covering some iPad basics and work our way up to creating digital paintings from scratch. Along the way we will cover photo editing; colour mixing; what pixel and resolution mean and why they are so important; how to get photos from your camera onto your iPad; how to set a custom canvas size in Procreate; digital collage (so cool!); working in layers... and SO MUCH MORE! Unleash the amazing potential that is hidden in your iPad. It's not just for checking e-mail and surfing the web!
Click here for full details and registration info.